International Advisory Committee
Distinguished experts in the field of lead-acid battery research and manufacture are invited to join the International Advisory Committee of each LABAT Conference. They are asked to advise and assist the Local Organizing Committee on the following issues:
- Recommend scientists and experts from research institutes and companies who would be interested to attend the event and contribute to the technical program of the conference.
- Suggest ideas and give recommendations for the organization and successful accomplishment of the Conference goals.
- Give their rating of the three most distinguished scientists who should compete for the Gaston Plantè Medal award.
Dr. Paolina Atanassova | Cabot Corporation, USA |
Mr. Gordon C. Beckley | Hammond Group Inc., USA |
Dr. Timothy W. Ellis | RSR Technologies, USA |
Prof.Dr. Juergen Garche | Fuel Cell and Battery Consulting - FCBAT, Germany |
Dr. Herbert K. Giess | Consultant, France |
Prof.Dr. Noubumitsu Hirai | National Institute of Technology, Japan |
Prof.Dr. Shou-Nan Hua | Shandong University, China |
Dr. Shashikant Joshi | Greenvision Technologies Pvt Ltd., India |
Dr. Angel Kirchev | Institut National de I'Energie Solaire - INES RDI, France |
Prof.Dr. Haibo Lin | Jilin University, China |
Dr. Geoffrey J. May | Focus Battery Consulting, United Kingdom |
Prof.Dr. Vesselin Naidenov | IEES, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria |
Mr. John R. Pierson | Pierson Consulting, USA |
Mr. Ajoy Raychaudhuri | Battery & Recycling Foundation International, India |
Dr. Bernhard Riegel | HOPPECKE Batterien GmbH & Co. KG, Germany |
Dr. Masanori Sakai | Hitachi Chemical Co., Ltd., Japan |
Dr. Edward O. Shaffer II | Advanced Battery Concepts, LLC, USA |
Mr. Kevin M. Smith | East Penn Mfg. Co., Inc., USA |
Dr. Jesus Valenciano | Exide Technologies, Spain |
Prof. Petr Vanysek | Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic |
Prof.DrSc. Alexander B. Velichenko | Ukrainian State University, Ukraine |
Dr. Rainer Wagner | Akkumulatorenfabrik MOLL GmbH & Co.KG, Germany |
Prof.Dr. Larbi Zerroual | Université Ferhat ABBAS - Setif 1, Algeria |